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Where to buy Barometers and Tide Clocks in Auckland or Waikato

If you live in Auckland or the Waikato area and are looking to buy a weatherstation or tide clock I recommend taking a drive out to Clock World in Ohaupo.

At Clock World you will be pleasantly surprised to find a great selection of Fischer barometers and tide clocks. They also stock a very large range of clocks - all sourced from top brands world wide.

You will be greeted by either Peter or Christen who have collectively a huge amount of experience in the industry.  Peter is a qualified Watchmaker and Clock World is the fulfillment of his lifetime dream to bring to sell to the public quality timepieces and collectable gifts. He is able to answer any questions you may have.

When we last visited the store not only did we enjoy looking at the large range of clocks and looking at our Fischer instruments on their wall , but also we enjoyed a latte in their coffee shop.


Cameron from has also been involved with Peter for over 20 years though his involvement in clock repairs & sales .

Some of our best sellers are listed below:





Fischer's Traditional Weatherstation - for lovers of more traditional pieces - number 1486gu-06 - click here to find it online



A more modern black and brass Weatherstation -suits a more modern decor - number 9103-05 - Click hereto find it online


And the Nautical Mahogany and Brass Barometer - perfect for any sea lover - number 1612B-22 - Click here to find it online

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