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How To set a Tide Clock ( With Infographic )

The tides are constantly changing, day to day it can be hard to know when the perfect time to head out for a surf is going to be, or when you should get the boat in the water for a days fishing. This is where a tide clock is really handy for giving you an idea of what the tide is doing in your area at any given time.

The action of the tide is very complex and involves many factors, which must be considered to describe the tide exactly at any given place. A computer usually does the calculations necessary for compiling the official Tide Tables. The Tidal Clock does not claim to give you the exact time of the tides at a given place, but it will give you the average state of the tide, which satisfies most peoples needs.

This means if you are thinking about nipping out for a surf on the weekends, you can get a feel for the best time of day to do so.

tide clock infographic

To set your Tidal Clock

  1. At the back of the movement, you will find the knob for setting the regular clock hands (positioned on the right) and the knob for setting the tide indicator hand (positioned on the left with a gold centre)
  2. The tide indicator hand should be set to high tide when the next high tide in your area occurs. As a general rule, it is best to set the tide hand at high tide during a full or new moon. If this is not possible, we suggest you check the reading of the tide hand at the next full or new moon. If, at that time, the tide hand is not indicating to high tide, adjust it with the wheel. Further adjustment may be necessary from time to time.
  3. Time regulation - Your clock is set at the factory for a deviation of about 1-minute per year at a room temperature of 20 centigrade. Please note that high temperature changes may also effect the accuracy.
  4. Your clock should run for about 1 year on the same battery. If the clock stops or starts to lose time - always check the battery. The battery must be changed within 2 years to avoid potential corrosion damage.
  5.  Please remember that any major alteration of the clock hands will cause an alteration of the tide hand as both operate in conjunction with one another. Therefore, after any major change in the time, the tide hand should be reset as described in paragraph 2.

Tides and the Moon

The primary controller of the tides is the moon and the average duration between two transits of the moon around the earth is 24 hours 50 minutes and 30 seconds - this is referred to as the lunar or tidal day.

It means that the tidal day - to which the tide indicating hand is geared - is 50 minutes longer than the solar day of 24 hours.

In other words, your Tidal Clock movement has four hands - the tidal hand running 50 minutes late every 24 hours, thus indicating the average times of the tides at a given point, the regular hour, minute and second hand, giving you the regular time of the day.

Important - always set the clock hands before setting the tide hand.

General information

The West coasts of Europe and Africa and the East coasts of North and South America follow the semi-diurnal pattern of two high and two low tides a day more or less equally spaced so your tidal clock can be used. However, certain other coasts such as the West coasts of North and South America are not semi-diurnal, and the tide indicating part of your tidal clock is of no use in these areas.

Black and Chrome Fischer Tide Clock 1434GU-06

Do you need a tide clock?

We offer a range of quality tide clocks all with a 2 year warranty. We love the Fischer brand because it never breaks and if it does we can easily service it. Head to our online catalogue and find a beautiful tide clock for your home.


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