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Free & Express delivery services available worldwide to your door. Fast dispatch. All prices include GST in Australia & New Zealand


Build your own Weather Station Combination 3a

2 items left

✔ We offer FAST free delivery to your door anywhere in the world
✔ Shop risk free with a 2 year manufacturers warranty
✔ Precise & high quality

Have questions about this product? Speak to Cameron INT 0064 3 338 1109

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Would you like to build your own weather station ?

Have you got a nice piece to Timber sitting in your shed that can be made into a beautiful useful home decor instrument ?


      Brass nautical Fit ups
    •  Frame 125mm/100mm Diameter or 4'' inches


    • Quality Weather Instruments made in Germany
    • Barometer -Measures atmospheric Pressure
    • Thermometer Measures Temperature
    • Hygrometer -Measures Humidity / Moisture
    • Quartz Clock
    • made of high quality materials
    • All instruments in three units


