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The Lufft Weather Pillar – An exciting new weather instrument

A classic Barometer, Thermometer, Hygrometer and Compass. 

Now you may be wondering what this little golden device is... it sort of looks like an antique from an Indiana Jones movie. But it is actually a piece of history - The Lufft Weather Pillar


The Weather Pillar is was used to measure the weather in the 1920s of last century.

There is something very cool about antiques. You can just feel the history.

That is why Fischer Germany spent a year finding a way to reproduce this product under license of Lufft to offer you a true masterpiece of a handcrafted procession instrument.


The pillar combines all important measuring devices needed for weather forecasting:

• Barometer – for atmospheric pressure
• Thermometer with pointer for temperature
• Hygrometer for humidity
• Compass for wind direction etc

The barometer is mounted inside of the lower part of the pillar on a wooden base.

By turning the knurled ring with the adjusting hand it is possible to notice all variations from one reading to another.

The metal thermometer and the hygrometer are located within the glass tube in the upper part of the encasing, while the compass is mounted on the top of the pillar.

Made and Shipped Directly to you!... Because you are special!

Here at Barometers and Clocks we are fortunate to work with the best quality instrument manufacturers in the world. So it is with great pleasure that I can say we now stock a Fischer Lufft Weather Pillar.

As this is a special one-off type product - the Pillar will be lovingly made and shipped to you direct from Germany.

If you are passionate about truly fine products then this is the Weatherstation for you.

Not only a precision instrument but also a high class piece of art the Lufft Weather Pillar is an exceptional instrument which would take pride of place in any home, office or boat.

It also makes a great premium corporate gift for boating enthusiasts, fisherman, yachtsman.

If you have any further queries I would love to talk to you about this product – it’s one of a kind.

Call Cameron free phone on NZ 0800 693 583 of from Australia on 1800136886

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