Hanging out your washing always seems like a game of roulette in Melbourne... with four seasons in one day it can be hard to predict what is going to happen outside during the workday. Will you have clean clothes for the kids tomorrow? Or will the rain soak your washing while you are at work... and you return home to clothes that are wetter than when you hung them out this morning
The cost of not knowing what the Melbourne weather is going to do.
In an ideal world, we would know what was happening so we could decide whether or not to throw our clothes in the dryer or hang them on the line. There is nothing worse than popping your washing in the dryer... only to find out it is a beautiful day - and you could have hung them out (and this can really eat into your power bill).

Use a barometer to forecast the weather
This is wherea barometer is really handy as it takes the roulette out of washing and lets you predict the weather 12 hours in advance so you know what to expect.
How can a barometer help you?
What if you could predict the weather? I am not talking a crystal ball here... or pointing a stick at the sky... I am talking about precision weather instruments that can help you
- Choose an outfit for the weather (and avoid wearing white in the rain).
- Know when to hang your washing out and when to pop it in the dryer.
- Pick a hairstyle that will survive a wet or humid day.
- Even know when the best tide times are to go for a surf.
- Take your umbrella for wet days
How do I set up a barometer for Melbourne's Climate?
It is actually really easy, and the great news is you only have to set it up once, and you are ready to go.
- On the day your Barometer Arrives google the Barometric Pressure in Melbourne for that day.
- Adjust the dial to match that barometric pressure. This syncs your barometer to the current weather patterns, and as the pressure changes it will automatically pick them up so you do not have to adjust it again.
Barometers make a great gift that they will remember for a lifetime.
We only stock high-quality European weather stations made from quality materials that are built to last a lifetime. This makes them an excellent gift as they will sit on their desk and wall for years to come and remind them of you.
If you have a wedding, anniversary or birthday coming up - check out our range of barometers.
We even have real estates agents giving them as a unique corporate gift - a great piece of word of mouth marketing to get their customers telling all of their friends about this great real estate agent who gave them such a thoughtful gift.
What type of barometers do you sell in Melbourne?
When it comes to barometers you have a few options from a classic Wall Barometeror something you can mount on a desk or table. Marine barometers for yachtsman or boatiesBarometers with Tide Clocks - perfect for surfers and divers. Along with weather stations which combine humidity and temperature measurements as well as a change in weather patterns.
Our top 3 Best Selling Barometers For Sale in Melbourne (and all of Australia)
Fischer Pascal Wooden Wall Mounted Barometer 1434B-32
Fischer Weather Station and Tide Clock Combo
with Barometer and Thermometer and tide clock
Fischer Skala Weather Instruments
with a Hygrometer, Thermometer and Barometer 1602-01
How does shipping to Australia work?
When you buy online from Australia we ship goods across the ditch and offer free shipping to your door. We try and dispatch your order the same day - perfect if you need a gift fast (we find orders usually take 4 business days). You can see all of our prices in Australian Dollars using the currency converter.
If you want to speak to us you can call us for free from Australia on1800 136886
See what our other Australian customers are saying:
" Hi Cameron, Just a quick note to let you know the Barometer set arrived safely this afternoon. Thank you for your excellent service and the Barometer looks great. It is for our grandson’s twenty-first birthday next week and we wanted to give him something he can keep for years and is both useful and visually attractive, This really meets the brief! By the way, thanks for setting the Barometer up for Sydney's climate. Regards Brian."Brian, Sydney, Australia. 10/06/15
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