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4 Reasons Weather Instruments Are The Perfect Unique Wedding Gift

Because these days couples live together before they get married, there are only so many gravy boats and crystal vases a person can use... let alone find a place to store. 

So what do you give someone that is not an envelope full of cash or a voucher? It is hard to know what is in their house unless you visit them every day. So it's a good idea to get something out of the box that is unique.

Give them a unique wedding gift they will cherish every day

If you have a wedding to go to and want to give them a gift they will actually like, and use every day for years to come. Think about giving them a weather instrument you can either buy one as a family or go in with friends... and it's WAY better than an envelope of cash or a voucher. MAXIMUM points for creativity and usefulness.

Why weather stations and barometers are the perfect gifts.

1. They can use it every day to see upcoming weather patterns to decide if they should hang out the washing, take their umbrella to work or head out for a surf, hike or bike.

2. They can measure home humidity to stay safe and healthy and also know if their home has any moisture issues.

3. They can optimise the temperature in their home by seeing the inside or outside temperature in a flash.

4. They can mount an outside weather station to see temperature changes when they are bbq'ing or out in the garden.

We have weather instruments for every style, which we can gift wrap and send to you to take with you on the big day. Or deliver to them if you can't be there. 

Here are three of our favourites:

In & Outdoor Modern Barometer Weather Station

Scandi: Tide Clock & Barometer Combination

Tide Clock & Barometer Combination

Classic: Modern Barometer Weather Station

Modern Barometer Weather Station

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