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How to set up your barometer Infographic

We will set your barometer before it leaves our store for your convenience but to double check the barometer is reading correctly we recommend Googling the barometric pressure for your area. 

Once you have the pressure, eg [hpa]1019  check your barometer to see if it reads the same, if its close it could be that your barometer is more accurate for that time in your area. Remember give it a light tap to see if there is any movement [black pointer closet to dial]. 

To adjust use a small screw driver and adjust the brass -+ screw located at the back , it will only need a fine adjustment so there is no need to adjust any more than a 2mm turn up or down.

Our video on you tube will help if you need more information


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1 Response



August 06, 2015

Hi – perfect timing as the barometer has been out of adjustment for a while – had been meaning to google how to for a while – will let you know how this works out.

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